Photos inside of House of Prayer where Our Lady has appeared to visionary Christina Gallagher


Christina Gallagher leading the Holy Rosary

Photo/story used with permission from [Kiely's] mainly Catholic Page.


Christina Gallagher leading the Holy Rosary at the House of Prayer in Achill on Sunday 9th July 2001. I have seen Christina Gallagher both in London and Ireland at least five times since the early 1990s. Here are some pictures I took on my most recent visit to House of Prayer, Achill Island, County Mayo which was crowded with visitors from all over the world.

[See here] picture of how Christina Gallagher saw Our Lady Queen of Peace weeping tears of blood. Our Lady told Christina 'Those who venerate Me by means of this image - I will intercede for their every need and grace.' ...Also [See here] a photo of Christina with the Stigmata.