This website is a collection of Weeping statues and Icons, Miraculous Images, Miraculous Stories, Miraculous Stories archives, Eucharistic Miracles, Angel stories in the news, Modern Day Stigmatists, The Grace of Escarchas, Miraculous Medjugorje, Hemography and a List of Catholic visionaries.
Oh, how distracted and deceived, are we, by the world. When we seek wealth, when we seek notoriety, when we see the world as the physical, when we seek debate, when we harbor the political, when we admire celebrities, when we place theology above the supernatural, media above the Holy Spirit, loud instead of quiet, proud over humble, the opulent above modest, the seen above the unseen, we have lost sight of our true calling and the place of our origin — where we actually and eternally belong. (Michael H. Brown, 2023, We Belong Not Here. We Belong To The Lord.)